Have you ever thought about having scheduled playtime with your dog as part of your dog’s daily routine? If the answer is no, you might want to start considering it. There are a lot of reasons why dog owners should make it a priority to spend time playing with their dogs. Beyond the fact that it is a fun and silly part of your dog’s life, there are other benefits that dog owners might want to consider. Blitz K9 Club is here to talk about the many ways your dog can benefit from regular playtime as part of a daily routine with your pet.
What are the Benefits of Playing with Your Dog?
We would like to explore the many reasons why playtime should be a priority with your dog.
– Training: When you’re playing with your dog, it can be a good time to go over some obedience training with your animal. You can work on commands like “drop” or “leave it.” Other commands like “sit” and “stay” can be used during playtime as well. This can be a fun way for both the dog as well as the owner.
– Exercise: Just like it is important that people get regular exercise, it is important for dogs as well. Even if you are taking your dog for a daily walk, it won’t get your dog’s heart rate up like playtime will. Playing a game of fetch or frisbee will allow your dog to run and give its heart the workout it needs.
– Reduce Stress: Again, just like people, dogs can experience stress and anxiety. Studies have shown that when dogs get regular playtime with their owners, they have reduced stress and anxiety. In fact, not only can your dog see these benefits, but the owner can see reduced stress and anxiety levels as well. Find a game that both of you enjoy playing together to maximize this benefit.
– Fix Behavioral Problems: If your dog struggles with bad behaviors like excessive barking, chewing or digging, it could be caused by boredom more than any other reason. Playing with your dog can help to eliminate this boredom and replace that need to behave poorly with playtime.
– Strengthen Bonds: Your dog an become one of your best friends. Playing with your dog on a regular basis can help to form those strong bonds like nothing else can. Your dog will look to you more and more for guidance as you build trust together through play.
Dog Obedience, Socialization & Behavioral Training in Royal Oak, Bloomfield Hills, Farmington Hills, Rochester Hills, Pontiac, Commerce Township and other areas within an hour of our home base of Waterford, Michigan
If you are struggling to connect with your dog or are having a difficult time training it, you can turn to Blitz K9 Club to help. We will help you form strong bonds with your dog as we work on training and good behaviors. It is our goal to help you enjoy your dog’s company as much as possible as we work with owners to help create the bond that they have always hoped they would have with their pets. Call us today!